A new deadline for paying installments and arrears for land and residential and commercial units in the new cities

The Board of Directors of the New Urban Communities Authority, in its meeting headed by Dr. Assem Al-Jazzar, Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities, agreed to grant facilities in the payment of financial dues for exemption at a rate of (90%) from the payment of delay fines in the event of full payment of late dues, for residential, administrative, professional and commercial units. Commercial plots of various types and areas (residential - commercial - service - investment - industrial - ...), villas and beach units established by the authority.
This is for a period of 3 months from the date of the announcement in the daily newspapers, provided that these facilities apply in the following cases, the cases in force to be allocated, and the cases for which decisions were issued to cancel for non-payment of financial dues and are still in the possession of the client and have not been allocated to others, and the facilities are applied under the following conditions:
Commitment to the specific timings for implementation, and waiver of all lawsuits filed against the authority or agencies, and these facilities do not apply to the lands allocated by the partnership system, as well as lands that have been canceled and withdrawn and become in the possession of the agency
The Minister of Housing stated that the authority’s board of directors also agreed to allocate two plots of land in the new city of El Alamein, for the benefit of Telecom Egypt, to establish two centrals, as well as allocating two plots of land, in the new city of Burj Al Arab and the new city of Assiut, for the benefit of Vodafone Egypt to establish two centrals, in addition to Allocating 4 units of numbers (4,3,2,1) on the ground floor in Building No. (26) in the first neighborhood in the Fourth District, in New Damietta, for the benefit of the Board of Trustees in New Damietta, on a usufruct system, to be used in the activity of health insurance clinics.