With the documents... The head and deputy head of the New Cairo apparatus mislead the Minister of Housing in the "Jasmine Gates" crisis.
No one respects the law in the New Cairo apparatus. Even the decisions and approvals of the New Urban Communities Authority are not respected in this body. This is what the New Cairo City Service, headed by Amin Ghonim and its Deputy First Assembly Engineer Marwa Hussain, did during the last visit of the Minister of Housing last Sunday, October 31, specifically in the crisis of the protection gates in the Jasmine area of the First Assembly, which the Minister considered during his tour of the city as irregularities and actions to be removed and immediately addressed. The position of the head of the Agency can only be described as "misinformation" or as an preference for safety for himself at the expense of the people of the Jasmine region who have been suffering material hardship and hard efforts for years to obtain the approval of the Metropolitan Communities Authority to install these gates and at their own expense and to appoint security personnel to prevent the rubbish and thieves from wasting their lives after the device failed to surround the city's random manifestations. Last Sunday, during a tour by the Minister of Housing, accompanied by the President and Vice-President, he observed the gates and ordered them to be removed, and instead of being discouraged by one of them from this formal idea with documents, the head of the body removed them.
Details go back to the crisis of securing the revival of luxury villas at the first gathering. (Jasmine-Violet-South Academy), where residents sought approval to install light gates that would not impede or prevent the movement of citizens, but would tighten the security discipline of the area. (Zone I) At the first meeting in New Cairo, the New Communities Commission met with the engineer, please request the Vice-President of the New Urban Communities Planning and Project Authority to present their complaint about the theft of the lives of the population, their property and State property belonging to parts of public facilities, and all crimes of self and money. Indeed, the first two concerns were established in accordance with the law by Decree No. 192 of 2013 (the New Cairo City Authority). On 30-7-2013, the head of the New Cairo City Service attached an approved drawing of the gate proposal. The request of residents for light gates to be sliding on the vents leading to the Jasmine area was technically approved. A copy of the letter was sent, together with an illustration of the gates, so that the Union could manufacture them and the pedestrian corridors at the expense of the population.(1) in coordination, with the knowledge and sight of the security services of the New Cairo Section of Than, where there was constant cooperation and understanding in all the security notes and the instructions of the Department's detectives.
A copy of the letter was sent, together with an illustration of the gates, so that the Union could manufacture them and the pedestrian corridors at the expense of the population.(1) in coordination, with the knowledge and sight of the security services of the New Cairo Section of Than, where there was constant cooperation and understanding in all the security notes and the instructions of the Department's detectives.
For more than seven years, the situation has remained stable, with a positive impact on all, with no crimes of robbery, kidnapping, abuse of life, protection of public service facilities from telephone cables, parts of electricity rooms, street lighting and sanitation system components. The Minister's visit has led to a major crisis between the population and the Ministry, which has led them to step up their complaint to the President of the Republic to bypass the law despite the official approval of those gates.