Madbouly directs to seek to localize the silk industry in Egypt

During his visit today to the province of the New Valley, Dr. Mustafa Madbouli, Prime Minister, took care to inspect the Silk Oasis Project and the Sob Agricultural Complex, located within Wadi Al - Mahan Farms north of the outlying city.
The Government continued to provide the necessary support for the revival of silk production and industry in the province of the New Valley. He congratulated the people of the province on the success of their Natural Silk Production Initiative, which, in coordination with the ministries concerned, was designed to overcome any challenges that the important industry might face.
The Prime Minister also stressed the importance of working to settle the silk solution industry produced by the grub worm, with the preparation of an integrated plan to reactivate silk production from the grub worm. During the tour, the Prime Minister and his attendants inspected Wadi al-Tahan Palm Farms, which are located on 180 acres and include the Silk Al-Mahan oasis, where Major General Mohamed Al-Zamalout, Governor of the New Wadi, indicated that the project included agricultural soap. Tot-vegetable-palm, along with silk production labs and sage worm breeding, as well as a palm farm and tiger-keeping refrigerators with a capacity of 2,000 tons and a fish farming project. The farmer also has 4 beans to produce berry leaves for feeding the worm. The production also includes 30 vegetable soaps of pepper, cucumber, colorful pepper and eggplant, white and black, as well as a palm brocade with 7,500 silver palms to grow inside the farm and sell to others. The farm has a capacity of 18,000 to 20,000 on 150 acres. The project also includes 2500-ton liquor, vegetable and fruit storage refrigerators. During the next phase, a tiger lounge and an on-farm trade fair will be set up, typical of producing, storing, manufacturing and selling the various types of tigers.