The full story of the decisions of the Minister of Housing to distribute the powers of “Amara” to the heads of the agencies

Dr. Assem Al-Jazzar, Minister of Housing, Utilities and New Urban Communities, issued decisions authorizing the heads of a number of new city agencies in the powers of the minister with regard to (subtraction - attribution - contracts - etc.) previously assigned to the Vice President of the Authority for the Development and Urban Development Sector, Engineer Abdul Muttalib Emara.
Where the minister issued Resolution No. 1003 on November 14, forming a permanent committee to study extending the duration of operations for heads of agencies in the cities (the new administrative capital - New Alamein - New Cairo - New Obour - New Mansoura - October Gardens - New October).
The Minister also issued No. 1004 on November 14, 2021 to form a permanent committee in the aforementioned city agencies to study and set prices for new additional items that are bypassed in utility, housing and public buildings projects, with the need to convene the relevant committees at the headquarters of city agencies at least 5 times per month, and they are followed up through The main committee of the authority.
Also, Resolution No. 1005 to form a permanent committee for utilities works in the aforementioned city agencies headed by the vice president of the agency.
Resolution No. 1006 also stipulated the formation of committees to decide on the various tenders in the aforementioned cities' bodies in accordance with the regulations.
Sources revealed to "Housing Misr" that during the minister's recent visit to the New Cairo Authority, the head of the agency complained about the delay in the assignment orders and the placement in the decision and price committees in the presidency of the authority, which prompted the minister to withdraw the powers from his deputy and assign it to the heads of the agencies in the cities of the fourth generation in addition to the city of New Cairo. The complainant.
The sources confirmed that the decisions were arranged after the visit to New Cairo, where the Deputy Minister for National Projects, Eng. Khaled Abbas, held a meeting with the Vice-President of the Authority for the Development and Urban Development Sector, Eng. Abdul Muttalib Emara, after his return from Dubai to attend the “Dubai Expo” to inform him of the upcoming decisions.